(a) Classifications assigned to the waters within the Chowan River Basin are set forth in the Chowan River Basin Classification Schedule, which may be inspected in the following places:
(1) the Internet at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-planning/classification-standards/river-basin-classification; and
(2) the following offices of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality:
(A) Raleigh Regional Office
3800 Barrett Drive
Raleigh, North Carolina;
(B) Washington Regional Office
943 Washington Square Mall
Washington, North Carolina: and
(C) Division of Water Resources
Central Office
512 North Salisbury Street
Raleigh, North Carolina.
(b) Unnamed streams entering Virginia are classified "C."
(c) All classifications assigned to the waters of the Chowan River Basin are additionally classified as Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) in accordance with the provisions of Rule .0223 of this Subchapter.
(d) The Chowan River Basin Classification Schedule was amended effective August 1, 1985.
History Note: Authority G.S. 143‑214.1; 143‑215.1; 143‑215.3(a)(1);
Eff. February 1, 1976;
Amended Eff. November 1, 1978; March 1, 1977;
Emergency Amendment [(f)] Eff. March 10, 1979, for a period of 120 days to expire on September 7, 1979;
Emergency Amendment [(f)] Made Permanent Eff. September 6, 1979;
Amended Eff. August 1, 1985; January 1, 1985;
Readopted Eff. November 1, 2019;
Amended Eff. June 1, 2020.